Thanks to the generosity of hundreds of contributors, the program is having a positive impact by recognizing, honoring, and supporting exceptional students with the potential to become outstanding teachers. Previous recipients are making a difference in classrooms in Connecticut and across the country and in leadership positions at the local, state, and national levels.
Your support is important because the larger the endowment grows, the
more we can accomplish for deserving students.
You can make a tax-deductible contribution via credit card. Click here to visit our donation page on the website of the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain. You can make a one-time donation or ongoing monthly donations.
Or you can send a check (made out to “CFGNB” and designated
for the Alma Exley Scholarship Program) to the following address:
Community Foundation of Greater New Britain
74A Vine Street
New Britain, CT 06052
If your place of employment has a matching gift program, you can increase your contribution by obtaining and submitting the appropriate form. The tax-exempt number (EIN) of the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain is 06-6036461.
To make a tax-deductible gift of stock, call the foundation at 860-229-6018.
You can also provide support by attending our annual celebration at which we honor our newest recipient. Please join us as we recognize these high-potential students.
Heartfelt thanks to the following 2024 donors. Their generosity has enabled the program to have a significant impact.
- Lorraine Aronson
- Gary Battiston
- Christine Benson
- Deveria Berry in memory of Alma
- Sharon and Peter Bowers
- Scott and Donna Brinckerhoff
- Lissie and Lynn Alan Brooks
- Sally Connolly
- Matthieu Cornillon and Amy Poueymirou
- Cindy Dobrynski in honor of Wendy Kozlow
- Alex Exley and Matt Seidel
- Zack Exley
- Elizabeth and Esther Exley in honor of Woody
- Woody Exley in honor of Alex Exley on her birthday
- Woody Exley in honor of Matt Seidel on his birthday
- Woody Exley in honor of Zack Exley on his birthday
- Steven and Emmy Fast
- Ann and Joe Fichandler
- Wendy Kozlow in honor of Mary-Ellen Powell, Ann Charbonneau, Pat Yosha, Kitty Prairie, Cindy Dobrynski, Karen Finder, and Julia McQuillan
- Jesse Levin
- Chi-Ann Lin
- Gloria and John Lobre
- Barri Marks in memory of Alma on her birthday anniversary
- Barri Marks in memory of Alma on her yahrzeit
- James H. Moran Charitable Gift Fund
- Patricia Scully in memory of Alma
- David Spiegel
- Gary and Barbara Spiegel
- Jane Tedder
- Paul Virostek in memory of Carol Virostek
- Barry and Wendy Wanger
- John LoPresti of Fast One Framing for framing the certificates
- Kurt Godiksen for graphic design