Founder’s Blog

Woody Exley’s updates on the Alma Exley Scholars

US. Education Secretary calls for more teachers of color

I was pleased to learn that U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has called attention to the need for more teachers of color in our nation’s public schools.

His remarks came during a speech at a gathering of educators from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HCBU) at North Carolina Central University on June 3.

Duncan urged the educators to take the lead in “training a new generation of minority students, especially black males, to teach in our nation’s public schools.”

Acknowledging that most HBCUs were established a century ago to train black teachers, he said that black educators in the South used to have a saying about the importance of teachers: “As is the teacher, so is the school.”

“Our elders were absolutely right,” Duncan said. “As all of you know, talent matters tremendously in the classroom, and that is why recruiting and training a new generation of great teachers is essential to closing the achievement gap.”

He quoted Ambrose Caliver, the first African-American research specialist hired by the U.S. Office of Education, who wrote 75 years ago: “In the hands of the Negro teachers rests the destiny of the race.”

Said Duncan, “Every day, African-American teachers are doing extraordinary work in helping to close the achievement gap. Yet we also know that children of color have too few teachers of color.

“Nationwide, more than 35 percent of public school students are black or Hispanic, but less than 15 percent of our teachers are black or Latino. It is especially troubling that less than two percent of our nation’s 3.2 million teachers are African-American males.

“On average, roughly 200,000 new teachers are hired a year in America-and just 4,500 of them are black males. It is not good for any of our country’s children that only one in 50 teachers is a black man.

“When I was CEO of the Chicago Public Schools, I visited too many elementary schools that did not have a single black male teacher, though most of the students were black and grew up in single-parent families. How can that be a good thing for young children, especially boys?

“The under-representation of African-American men in the teaching profession is a serious problem. And it is not self-correcting. Our children need you. Your schools of education can, and must, help us solve this national crisis.”

Secretary Duncan’s remarks were most welcome. He deserves credit for putting the spotlight on this issue from his highly visible position in the Obama Administration.

The Alma Exley Scholarship Program has been addressing this issue since 1996 by recognizing and supporting outstanding college students of color who are preparing for careers as teachers. Our honorees are making a difference in classrooms in Connecticut and across the country.

Please join us in providing this recognition and support by clicking here to make a tax-deductible contribution. Click here to read the entire speech by Secretary Arne Duncan.
– Woody Exley

Posted August 14, 2010

Making a difference in urban education

For me, the most enjoyable and rewarding aspect of being involved with the Alma Exley Scholarship Program is getting to know the recipients and following their careers.

This came to mind recently when I read about the results of the Connecticut Mastery Test. This is the test of reading, writing and mathematics given each year to the state’s public school children in grades three through eight.

The results showed that Hartford Public Schools made impressive gains during the 2009-2010 academic year. In a breakdown of the results, I noticed that the most improved elementary school in 2009-2010 was America’s Choice at SAND School.

As you may know, the principal of SAND School is Desi Nesmith, the Alma Exley Scholarship recipient of 2000. As the results were announced, Mr. Nesmith was completing his first year as a principal.

Students at SAND School achieved an overall index score of 50.8 in 2009-2010, an increase of 14.8 points from the previous year. This was the biggest jump for any of the city’s 23 elementary schools. In fact, SAND School made a great leap from its position as the lowest-scoring elementary school in the city in 2008-2009.

SAND School is located on North Main Street in one of the poorest neighborhoods of one of the poorest cities in the nation.

How did the school make such progress? According to Mr. Nesmith, it had to do with taking a fresh look at the school’s curriculum and organization and making big changes.

“We redesigned the school on a new model that focused kids on reading and writing more than ever,” Mr. Nesmith said. The redesign included lengthening the school day and involving students in a daily 2½-hour “literacy block,” he said.

“This hard work could not have occurred without the A-Team that is in place at SAND,” he said. “I have a very dedicated and highly skilled team of teachers and staff who came to SAND to make a change in the academic lives of these students.”

At the age of 31, Mr. Nesmith could be one of the youngest – if not the youngest – school principals in Connecticut. Prior to assuming this leadership position in 2009, he was an intervention resource specialist with the Hartford Schools. In that capacity, he served as a mentor to teachers in struggling elementary schools throughout the city.

Previously, he was selected as a Teacher in Residence at the State Department of Education. In that role, he worked on a number of school-improvement initiatives across the state. He began his career as a fifth-grade teacher at Mayberry Elementary School in East Hartford, where he was named Teacher of the Year in 2005-2006.

He was honored with an Alma Exley Scholarship while a student at the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education. A native of Bloomfield, he graduated from Northwest Catholic High School.

In choosing Mr. Nesmith for a scholarship, the selection committee was tremendously impressed with his accomplishments and his commitment to education. At the time, we were convinced that he showed promise to become an outstanding educator. Speaking for the committee, we’re delighted to see that he is fulfilling our expectations.

Mr. Nesmith is just one of many Alma Exley Scholars who are making us proud. Stay tuned for updates on the careers of others in this remarkable fraternity.
– Woody Exley

Posted August 14, 2010

“Thanks to all who have supported the Alma Exley Scholarship program over the years.”

I’ve sent thanks to everyone who contributed to the endowment in 2009, but I also want to thank everyone publicly in this forum.

Alex and Zack, my children, join me and Alma’s extended family in expressing our deep gratitude for the outpouring of support for the scholarship program since 1995. We’re touched by the continuing generosity of so many of Alma’s friends, colleagues and others who have helped to carry on her legacy in education.

Several hundred different individuals and a number of organizations have contributed since 1995. This has enabled us to build a sizable endowment for scholarships.

Through the 2009-2010 academic year, we will have awarded more than $46,000 in scholarship aid. Meanwhile, thanks to continuing donations and investment gains, the endowment has surpassed $100,000 – laying a solid foundation for the future.

My appreciation also goes out to many who have contributed in a variety of ways to enable the program to grow and flourish.

A number of Alma’s friends and colleagues provided invaluable insights and expertise in establishing the program. And the staff of the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain has provided invaluable support and guidance since the beginning.

A dedicated cadre of educators – many of them former colleagues of Alma’s – have served on the selection committee over the years. The committee faces a daunting task each year in deciding among so many deserving applicants. The committee has done a great job of choosing recipients who have done us proud in their careers.

Most gratifying has been the involvement of the Alma Exley Scholars in supporting the program and contributing to the endowment. Many of them have returned to our annual receptions to welcome their new colleagues into our scholarship family. And three of them – Miguel Cardona, Chi-Ann Lin, and Desi Nesmith – have served on the selection committee, bringing their unique insights to the process.

Thanks also go out to three artists, who have volunteered to bring a touch of class to our program: Patrick Lee, who created and maintains the website; Kurt Godiksen, who provides a variety of graphic design services; and John LoPresti, who frames our scholarship certificates.

When Alma suggested setting up a scholarship program to carry on her work in education, I’m not sure she could have envisioned the scope of the program that has emerged. But I am sure she would be delighted with what we have been able to build – thanks to the groundswell of caring by so many people who loved her and shared her values.

It’s painfully ironic that Alma didn’t get to meet the remarkable scholarship recipients who are carrying on her legacy of diversity and excellence in education. She would have admired and loved each and every one them. She would be full of pride and admiration to see them maturing and advancing in their careers.

The other side of this irony is that our young honorees didn’t have the opportunity to know Alma. They were never able to meet the woman who envisioned the program that is giving them recognition and support. I often think about how much they would have enjoyed knowing Alma. And it catches me by surprise when I hear them talking about her as if they knew her.

Everything that we’ve been able to accomplish in this program is a reflection of Alma’s personality and character. Her values have inspired us. Her spirit of caring and concern has guided us.

As an English teacher, Alma was devoted to making a difference in the lives of her students. In her career at the Connecticut State Department of Education, she was dedicated to strengthening the teaching profession in a variety of ways.

She was involved in efforts to raise the standards of the teaching profession in Connecticut. She worked with school districts as well as colleges and universities across the state to strengthen teacher-preparation programs. At the time when cancer took her from us at the age of 52, she had been working to bring more people of color into the teaching profession in Connecticut. She understood that a more diverse corps of teachers was necessary to serve an increasingly diverse student body.

Specifically, she was managing a now-defunct program that enabled paraprofessionals (most of whom were people of color) to complete their education and become teachers. Her relationship with these aspiring educators was something special. It was clear there was a lot of love between Alma and the people whose careers she was helping to launch.

That love was the reason why Alma asked me to carry on her unfinished work through a scholarship program. Thanks to so many caring donors, the program has been fulfilling her vision. It has become a wonderful memorial that is having an impact.

Because of this program, Alma is living on through the diverse, talented young educators who are making a difference in classrooms across Connecticut and from Boston to Los Angeles.

Thanks again to everyone who has made this possible.
– Woody Exley

Posted January 25, 2010