Miguel Cardona: The Scholarship’s Unexpected Impact

Miguel Cardona grew up in Meriden, Conn., and was honored with an Alma Exley scholarship in 1998 while working toward a bachelor’s degree in elementary education at Central Connecticut State University. He began his teaching career at Israel Putnam Elementary School in Meriden and has been serving as principal of Hanover Elementary School in Meriden since 2003. In addition to his degree from CCSU, he holds master’s and doctoral degrees from the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut. Posted June 21, 2008

When I first applied for the Alma Exley Scholarship in the late nineties, I did not realize the impact the process would have on my life. Back then, I needed money for school. More than 10 years later, I can say that the involvement with the Alma Exley Scholarship program is a big part of the reason I am who I am today.

Then, it provided me an opportunity to articulate the importance of teachers of color in our schools. It was the first real opportunity to share my thoughts about the subject. Prior to this, it had never been asked. Like many of the current aspiring teachers of color, I understood the importance of learning from people that share many of the same cultural beliefs as me. Within the scholarship family that Alma created posthumously, I felt that pride of being surrounded by other successful people from many different ethnic origins. My involvement with members of the Alma Exley Scholarship program inspired me not only to believe that we need teachers from diverse backgrounds, but that we also need school and district leaders from diverse backgrounds.

After three years of teaching and two serving as an instructional associate, I became the principal of an elementary school in Meriden. It is with great passion that I strive to inspire young Hispanic children to reach their goals. Equally as important for me is to have all children, regardless of ethnic background, see that leaders come in a variety of beautiful colors.

To the applicants, you will begin this process looking for financial assistance. Be prepared to be changed and inspired to achieve at levels greater than you ever thought possible for yourself.

That is what this scholarship has done for me.